Enthusiasm After the ASÍ Congress

Efling Trade union is proud to announce the participation of over 50 of its members in the 44th session of the Icelandic Federation of Labor (ASÍ) Congress held today. As they were during the last congress, Eflings representitives were of diverse origins and represented many different professions of workers and low wage earners.Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, chairman of Efling, was appointed as vice president of ASÍ for a term of two years. She was elected by the congress at the proposal of the Organizing Committee. „ I thank them for their great trust, but above all I would like to thank the Efling members for their work as representitives to the congress. I am very proud of the members who took part and spoke at the session.“, she said.During the session, the executive committee proposed an amendment to increase the number of vice presidents from two to three. Sólveig Anna reccomened this proposal and it was approved.„I congratulate the President of ASÍ and the other Vice-Presidents on their election. Increasing the number of vice-presidents strengthens the connection of ASÍ with its member associations. I look forward to the collaboration and hope the president‘s work will bear fruit in the coming months, as we are facing immense challenges.“ said Sólveig Anna.The session was held remotely via teleconference, part of the congress was postponed until May of 2021.