35 claims, 21 million kr in total – The quarterly report of the department of rights and employment terms

The quarterly report of the department of rights and employment terms of Efling, for April-June, is out. It was delayed by summer vacations.

Contract enforcement staff assisted Efling members in 151 new cases, which is 15 more than at the same time last year. Of those who were assisted, 26% were of Polish origin and 35% from other nationalities, 61% in total. 39% were of Icelandic origin. The proportions underline the well-known fact that workers from abroad are subject to cheating more than others.

In all, 35 claims were made during the quarter, one of them due to a bankruptcy. Wage claims totalled 20.6 million kr, 2 million thereof made to a bankruptcy estate.

The department has already collected claims of 14 members, for 1,457,937kr. The union’s lawyers collected 51 million kr for 126 members during the quarter. Of those, 103 members received 40 millions from the Wage Guarantee Fund due to bankruptcies.