Call For Nomiations to the Efling Delegate Council

Efling – Union calls for nominations to the delegate council 2023-2024. The delegate council is composed of 115 union members plus the board of Efling. According to the bylaws of Efling the delegate council is the highest authority on matters concernig the union. Its term will begin on January 1st 2023 and lasts until the end of 2024. The delegate council meets once a month during the winter time. 

All valid members of Efling are eligible to nominate themselves or another valid member. The nominations committee will receive the nominations and put together a proposal for a new delegate council. It will seek to let the delegate council be representative of the Efling membership as a whole with respect to different workplaces, age, gender, origin and other factors. 

Nominations should be submitted by filling out the form below. They are to be submitted no later than midnight on Wednesday Desember 7th. 

Nomination to the Efling delegate council 2023-2024

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