Shortening of the workweek for daytime workers in the public market

  • The shortening can be a maximum of 4 hours a week
  • If the week is shorter by 4 hours, the workers lose control over their coffee breaks, but can take breaks to eat and rest
  • A working group which reflects the entire group of employees including the supervisors, should work on the implementation of the shortening at each workplace
  • The shortening shall be a democratic decision in which all workers vote on the implementation prepared by the working group
  • If no agreement is reached on the implementation of the shortening, the working week shall be shortened by 65 minutes. per week (13 min. per day)
  • The salary shall not be lowered due to the shortening of the workweek
  • The shortening took effect on 1 January 2021

On you can find further information, educational materials and Q&A regarding the implementation of a shorter workweek.