Wage terms and rights

Employees at Þjóðminjasafn / National Museum of Iceland

Collective wage agreement between Efling and the state arrow_forward   The state   Starfsfólk Þjóðminjasafnsins

Institutional agreements are agreements that are reached between the union and a public body and are a part of the collective wage agreement. The institutional agreement specifies the basic order or positions and what additional criteria, such as work experience, education and other aspects are assessed when determining the wage. This agreement is a part of the collective wage agreements between Efling and the state that can be found here below.



Suspendisse non rhoncus odio. Vestibulum lacinia justo neque, ut ornare justo eleifend eget. Maecenas aliquam, lacus sed aliquet cursus, nibh lacus viverra turpis, a ultricies lectus dui in mi. Praesent in nisi ac mi pretium interdum. Pellentesque augue dui, finibus vestibulum lacinia eget, hendrerit ac lorem. Nunc dictum ante nec enim commodo, non condimentum neque laoreet. Fusce commodo lacus in quam interdum cursus.