Organizational changes in the Efling office 2022

The B-list, which won the elections for the chairman and board in Efling in February of this year, had an emphasis in its program on improving the running of the office. The program discussed the need for reviewing job descriptions and evaluating the staffing needs of the office in addition to other improvements in the organization of staff matters. The list also wished to adopt a new, transparent salary system.

The board of Efling has now approved comprehensive changes to the organization and running of the office of the union in accordance with the program of the B-list.

The org changes: In brief

The board wants the organization and running of the Efling office to be in accordance with the best standards. Through the years, inconsistencies, lack of transparency, and outdated practices have been gathered concerning the employment terms of the staff. This has been an obstacle to the running of the union and the board believes it is time to address this.

The board wants to ensure equal rights, consistency, fairness and transparency in employment terms and will therefore adopt updated employment terms for all staff in the union office. The change entails altered salary determination for all jobs in accordance with a new and improved salary system, revised arrangement for overtime payments, change in union membership, change in the payment of car allowance, and more.

Additionally, there will be a comprehensive revision of the staffing needs, job descriptions, qualification requirements, and scope of all jobs in the offices of the union. The goal is to ensure that the total number of positions and qualification requirements for each job match the needs of the union. The division of labor between departments will be reviewed, the number of positions in each department will be revised from scratch, and job descriptions revised.

Since these changes entail changes to the employment terms of all staff it is unavoidable to terminate all current employment contracts. This will be done at the end of April / beginning of May. This requires consultation with the union reps of staff in accordance with the law on group layoffs no. 63/2000. This consultation has already taken place and produced a resolution which entails an agreement on certain issues, in particular the lengthening of some severance periods, a release from work duty and flexibility towards those seeking another job.

In order to prevent discrimination and to ensure a professional approach to the implementation of new employment terms, all positions will be advertised. Current staff are encouraged to apply. However, it will not be possible to ensure continued employment for all current staff since the total number of positions will decrease, job descriptions will be altered, and new qualification requirements in some cases introduced.

Next steps and implementation of changes

  • Jobs were advertised on the Easter weekend and recruiting will take place in cooperation with a recruitment agency. The position of managing director has been advertised, who will subsequently be tasked with following through with the changes and possibly make adaptations.
  • Work under new arrangement and with new job descriptions will begin as soon as possible. All new employment contracts will be temporary for 6 months while the new arrangement is tested.
  • The managing director or a stand-in for him/her will in cooperation with chairman keep the board informed about the progress of work and tasks under new organization. Adaptations are to be expected.
  • It is assumed that all current staff are under work duty during the severance period with unchanged arrangements (with the modifications agreed with union reps in the above mentioned resolution).

Changes to employment terms

An overview of the main changes to employment terms that will be achieved with the org changes.

Questions and answers

The most common questions and answers regarding the org changes in the Efling office.

Ad for new jobs

Do you want to participate in building Iceland’s most ambitious union? (In Icelandic)

Resolution on consultation with union reps

A resolution about the conclusion of consultation according to law no. 63/2000 (in Icelandic).